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Rephipro Laboratory Solutions LLP uses trademarks, servicemarks, tradenames or other identifying information of other companies only and only for identification of the products. The trademarks are owned by respective owners and Rephipro does not own them. The owners of such trademarks have not consented to further use or copying of the trademarks and Rephipro cannot license such trademarks.

Millipore, Q-PAK, Super-Q, Super-C, Milli-Q, ROGARD, Milli-RO, ROPAK, AFSPAK, Polygard,Gradient, Synthesis, AFS, SDS, Academic, Biocel, Element, progard, Qgard, quantum, Millipak and any tradenames prefixed by the words Millipore or Millipore’s are trademarks of Millipore Corporation. Other water related trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.

This is not necessarily a full list of the trademark notifications we must make, if you see one we inadvertently left off, please contact [email protected] to have it added.

Millipore Registered Tardemarks: Direct-Q, Elix, Millipore, Milli-Q, Milli-RO, A10, AFS, Progard, Q-Gard, QPak, Quantum, ROPAK, SimPak, Simplicity, Super-Q, Synergy Millipore Trademarks: Milli-RX, Pyrogard, RiOs, RiOs-DI, BioPAK, etc…

All products and related trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. TM and ® might be omitted from this website and other product materials.

Rephipro Laboratory Solutions LLP. All Rights Reserved.